Brenda Gantt Biscuit Recipe

Today I am very excited to tell you about a traditional and delicious biscuits recipe named Brenda Gantt biscuit. This delicious biscuit was first made by an American cook Brenda Gantt. And this is the reason for the name of the recipe. 

I was used to eating those biscuits from my childhood, as my mother was a great fan of its yumminess and we used to have it for many years. It was specially served as our yummy school tiffins and evening snacks with additional tea and crispy items. 

These delicious biscuits are easy to make at home and it doesn’t contain any unavailable ingredients. It’s not only full of delicious sources but also a rich package of balanced protein and some other healthy nutrition. So, you don’t need to bother about the health facts. Now, here I will let you know how easily I made these biscuits at my home with a few ingredients.

Brenda Gantt Biscuit Recipe

Recipe by Lindsay G. Cabral
4.0 from 26 votes
Cuisine: AmericanDifficulty: Medium


Prep time


Cooking time




Total time



Don’t think this recipe is very difficult or complicated. Rather it makes you quite hassle-free. It is even better to make it at home than go to any restaurant. These are super easy steps with making soft dough, cutting biscuits, and baking in the oven. It needs to cook for almost 1 hour. 10 to 12 minutes for baking and left minutes for preparing the dough.

You can also add some natural herbs and sweets like honey. But to get an authentic Brenda Gantt biscuit I suggest you follow my total steps one by one. It will satisfy you more than any.


  • All-purpose / White Lily self-rising flour- 3 cups.

  • Crisco/ Butter- 2 cups.

  • Salt- 1 tsp (as per taste).

  • Granulated sugar- 2 /3 tsp.

  • Butter flavored shortening / Frozen unsalted butter- 1 cup.

  • Baking powder- 1/2 tsp.

  • Buttermilk / whole milk- 2 cups.

  • Butter- 3 tsp.

  • Honey- 4 tsp.

  • Tools
  • Spatula 

  • Bread cutter

  • Pastry blender/ a fork

  • Cast iron griddle

  • A large bowl

  • Oven

how to make Brenda Gantt Biscuit

  • Grease your pan: Take a cast iron black griddle and grease its inside surface by putting some butter or Crisco all over the pan. It keeps the bottom sides of biscuits remain soft and light after the baking of biscuits.
    Grease your pan
  •  Set the flours: Take a large bowl. Pour 3 cups of all-purpose flours or white Lily self-rising flours. Salt them with 1 tsp. And create a middle hole into the flour, like a bird’s nest. Press the flour rounds using your hand palm.
    Set the flours
  • Pour 2 cups of milk: Now, pour 2 cups of buttermilk into the flour hole. You can also use the whole milk instead. Add 1 tsp of baking powder.
    Pour 2 cups of milk
  • Add some Crisco: Now, add some Crisco into it. It’s about the size of two small eggs. Put it there now. You can add sour cream if you can’t manage Crisco. It’s a pretty substitute as well.
    Add some Crisco
  •  Start squashing it: Now, involve Your hands and start squashing them roundly. From bottom to top keep smashing the flour, Crisco, and milk together. Make sure, no lumps are left. Make a soft dough.
    Start squashing it
  •  Dry your hand properly: Use two fingers of your other hand. And clean your messy hands by pulling the sticky dough off your hands. Now, wash both hands and dry them with some sprinkles of flour. It Won’t be sticky anymore.
    Dry your hand properly
  • Ready the biscuit dough: Now, you have to spread some dry flour onto the clean surface and throw out the dough in it. Press the dough with the palm of your hands and mash them down.  Give it a bread patty shape of 3 or inches thick. Now the biscuits dough is ready to cut.
    Ready the biscuit dough
  • Cut the biscuit dough: Here, you go for cutting the dough into the biscuits. Use a pastry cutter and cut the dough by your desired shape. I made its rounds.
    Cut the biscuit dough
  • Bring them to bake: Place the biscuits into the greased pan and preheat your oven to 450 degrees. The faster you bake the biscuits, the softer and moisture the biscuits. Don’t bake slowly, it gets dry then.
    Bring them to bake
  •  Before serving: Before serving, remove the biscuits two times from the oven. Grease them with buttermilk and honey. Then bring them back to the oven. And thus, it will be baked for around 10 minutes. Then transfer them to a plate and have them with tea.
    Before serving


  • If you don’t have a pastry cutter, you can use a large round coffee spoon. Grab the dough with it and it will be round-sized.
  • Don’t you find any cast iron griddle? Don’t worry. Have a cast iron pan, and use its lower surface as the baking plate.

Store Process:

Though it’s better to have these biscuits instant you can also preserve them for the next time. But, it must be preserved unbaked. Otherwise, it will get hard and chewy-unfriendly biscuits.

Nutrition Facts:



Brenda Gantt makes her biscuits in a very short method. She wants to bake the biscuits as early as possible after making dough. Because she prefers the biscuits to be tender and soft. Following her procedures, you can get the same flavor. But if you want some crispy texture, you can bake it for a few more minutes. These delicious biscuits are more delicious with tea, coffee, and spicy snack items. just try out these with your beloveds.

2 thoughts on “Brenda Gantt Biscuit Recipe”

  1. I just made Brenda Gantt’s biscuit recipe and it was amazing! The biscuits were soft and buttery, with just the right amount of sweetness. I’m so glad I tried this recipe and will be making it again and again. Highly recommended!


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