Pioneer Woman Bacon Jam Recipe

If you’ve had bacon before, you know that it is a potent culinary force to be reckoned with. It is the star of many dishes and an integral part of many more recipes. And bacon can impact the food that it practically becomes a flavor all its own. In this recipe for Bacon Jam from The Pioneer Woman, bacon takes on even more flavor by being combined with onions, pepper, brown sugar, and spices. This bacon jam has an amazing texture, like chunky brown sugar. It’s delicious on sandwiches, burgers, or with crackers for dipping.

Pioneer Woman Bacon Jam Recipe

Recipe by Lindsay G. Cabral
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Cuisine: AmericanDifficulty: Medium


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Cooking time




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Are you brave enough? Take The Pioneer Woman’s bacon jam recipe challenge.


  • Bacon 1 1/2 pound

  • Butter 2 tsp

  • Reserved bacon fat 2 tsp

  • Onions diced 4 large

  • Salt 1 tsp 

  • Brown sugar 1/4 cup

  • Sherry vinegar 1/4 cup

  • Freshly picked thyme leaves 1 1/2 tsp

  • Black pepper 1 teaspoon

  • Pinch of cayenne

  • Water 1/2 cups

  • Balsamic vinegar 2 tsp

  • Extra virgin olive oil 2 tsp

how to make Pioneer Woman Bacon Jam

  • Cut The Beacon: Take a knife and slice the beacons. Then put all the beacons in a heavy bottom pan. Turn on the stove and set medium heat. Put the pan on the heat and slowly cook them until golden brown.
    Cut The Beacon
  • Dice the Onion: Cut the onions. Then strain the beacon fat liquids in a bowl. Set that aside.
    Dice the Onion
  • Fry The Onions: Put 2 tbsp bacon fat and butter in the same pan. Fry all the onions on that. Add brown sugar and stir it. Pour vinegar and all the dry ingredients. Cook it for 10 minutes.
    Fry The Onions
  •  Chopped The Beacon: Take a knife and chop the beacon. Then add to the onion gravy and stir it. Cook it on medium heat.
    Chopped The Beacon
  • Serve The Jam: When all the ingredients mix up completely and get the desired color turn off the heat. Add Balsamic vinegar, fresh thyme, and extra virgin olive oil for shine. Your jam is ready to serve.

Recipe Video

Final Word:

I hope you enjoyed the post on how to make bacon jam like a pioneer woman. With this information, you can simply make the pioneer woman bacon jam. It is delicious on bread and crackers. Start making your bacon jam with some bacon. All you have to do is make this easy, quick, and delicious dish. Make sure to share this bacon jam recipe with your friends and family so they can enjoy it as well. 

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